Media Advisory/History:
Six West, formerly known as Airport City, will be College Park’s unique mixed-use development to be located on over 311 acres of City owned property just west of the historic downtown district and the College Park MARTA station.
“West of downtown College Park and just west of the airport, Six West covers six historic avenues, all of which pay homage to five Ivy League schools and civic leader John Wesley. We aim to memorialize the site’s past while developing its future,” said Artie Jones III, director of Economic Development for the City of College Park.
College Park citizens and supporters are encouraged to view an informative video about the project on the city’s website ( that shares what is proposed to be included in the site. To further include and honor the communities of College Park, citizens and supporters are invited to complete a survey ( which asks for input about the potential features of the Six West Development.
Additionally, the community is asked to support the Let’s Talk! Community Meeting Series scheduled to inform the public about the look, the feel and the function of the multi-phased project.
The virtual meeting series will conclude by sharing the resulting vision developed for Six West with the input of the community. The meetings are scheduled for May 5th and June 11th, both starting at 4:00pm. Links to join the virtual meetings will be posted on the College Park website. We invite you join us!