
Court Services


Monica Ewing, Chief Judge

Kim Cornwell, Solicitor


Municipal Court is now Virtual

To access your virtual court hearing, please click the link below:




Technical requirements:

·       Internet Connection

·   Personal computer or mobile device equipped with camera and microphone (for video and audio conferring capabilities)

·    Web Browser recommendations

o   on a Windows or MacOS Computer/Laptop: Google Chrome

o   on a iOS mobiles device (iPhone/iPad): Safari

o   on an Android mobile device (i.e. Samsung Galaxy/Note/Tab etc.): Google Chrome

Login no earlier than 15 minutes before your virtual court hearing. Access this link to login for court only.


During virtual hearings please refrain from driving and loud environments.

Appropriate attire is mandatory, whether as a participant in a case, a witness or an observer.

For information on fine amounts, court dates or to make a payment click the link below:


If you need to submit documents (.pdf, .jpeg, .png or word) please email [email protected] 14-days prior to virtual hearing court date. Documents can be dropped off in person 10 days prior to virtual hearing.

If You Are Under the Age of 21

Anyone under 21 years of age is required to login for virtual court. Because it takes fewer points to lose your license, a minor traffic violation could suspend your license.

Failure To Appears are addressed in person Tuesday and Thursdays 9am-11:30pm and 1pm - 3:30pm



3717 College Street

College Park, Ga 30337




8am -5pm


No payments are accepted after 4 p.m.


404-761-3131 Option #2

[email protected]



Monique Favors

Court Administrator

Ext. 2301


Robin Polk

Chief Court Clerk

Ext. 2323


Tracey Mejia

Assistant Court Clerk

Ext. 2302


Additional Information

Learn more about the State of Georgia Driver's License Suspensions and Revocations.
More information can be found on the Georgia Department of Driver Services website.