- Date - First and Third Mondays of each month, unless meeting falls on a City Holiday. (All requirements listed below still apply).
- Time - ), 6:00 PM (Workshop Session) , 7:30 PM (Regular Session) & Executive Session concluding Regular Session
- Location - All meetings are held at College Park City Hall - 3667 Main Street - College Park, Georgia 30337. When held virtually, you can access meetings via the City's official Facebook or YouTube.
Click Here to View 2025 Council Meeting Schedule
The Workshop and Regular Session Meeting of the Mayor and City Council of the City of College Park shall be held on Monday, March 17, 2025, beginning at 6:00 p.m. at Jack P. Longino City Hall, located at 3667 Main Street, College Park Georgia, 30337.
Additionally, citizens wishing to give citizen remarks during a Regular Session Council meeting can choose one of two options:
- Sign in to speak by 7:30 pm on March 17, 2025, at the podium in the City Hall Council Chambers.
- Submit an email with your name and public comment/remark to: [email protected] no later than 7:30 pm on March 17, 2025.
- Your comment will be read into the official record.
Members of the Public who were unable to sign the Sign-In Sheet before the cut-off time may be granted three (3) minutes to provide public comments; provided, however, that such three (3) minutes of time shall not be donated to another speaker. No additional public comments will be received after the Citizens Remarks agenda item.
The Citizen Remarks portion of the Regular Meeting will not exceed forty-two (42) minutes.
In-Person comments are limited to 36 minutes; Emailed comments are limited to 6 minutes if all 36 minutes are exhausted. If In-Person comments do not reach 36 minutes, that time will be used for email comments.
- Speakers must limit their remarks to no more than (3) minutes.
- Speakers must not employ tactics of intimidation, profanity, or threats of violence in their comments. Anyone who demonstrates these behaviors will not have their comments read into the record.
- A specific topic may NOT be discussed during Citizens Remarks for more than 15 minutes.