
Department of Public Works


The Department of Public Works is committed to providing outstanding public services in order to ensure the health and well-being of all residents in an effort to enhance the quality of life for present and future generations.

The Department of Public Works Administration is responsible for the oversight, monitoring, policy development and coordination of six major Divisions within the City.

  • Administration Division
  • Buildings & Grounds / Parks Division
  • Highways & Streets Division
  • Sanitation Division
  • Storm Water Utility Division
  • Water & Sewer Division
Keep College Park Beautiful (KCPB) operates under the Public Works Department and is an official affiliate of Keep America Beautiful. As the first city to sign the national Greatest American Cleanup Declaration,

Keep College Park Beautiful (KCPB) believes that everyone deserves to live in a clean, green, and beautiful environment. By conserving our resources and keeping our landscapes free of blight, we not only provide green spaces that people and wildlife alike can enjoy, but keep communities safe and encourage economic development.
Public Involvement:
  • Citywide Cleanups Creek Cleanups (Rivers Alive)
  • Rivers Alive Creek Litter Cleanup - Camp Creek off Frontage & Camp Creek Pkwy.
  • Marking the Storm Drains
  • Tire Recycling
Keep College Park Beautiful received 4 grants, totaling $40,000 in cash and equipment
  • Great American Cleanup (KAB) $5,000 This grant funded 3 projects: 1) The 3rd Citywide Litter CleanUp, 2) Replanted of the flowers as pollinator sites, and tire recycling collection and recycling.
  • Cigarette Litter Prevention Program CLPP (KAB) $20,000 This grant funded the CLPP kickoff and installation of cigarette litter collection receptacles.
  • Greatest American Cleanup (KAB and Coca Cola) $10,000 This grant funded the City In-House Bottle and Can Recycling program.
  • B.R.A.C.E. Grant (KGBF & EDP) $5,000 This grant will fund a more in-depth tire recycling program in the 1st quarter of 2025.

Illicit Discharge Information - Public Notice

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) encourages all citizens to follow proper protocol regarding liquids and storm drains.  If liquids are not composed of 100% storm water, they should not be discharged into storm drains.

You can report violations of the EPA's guidelines by selecting one of the following:

(1) Download the NotifyCP on your cellphone and report the incident.

(2) Email Raymond Cotton with College Park Public Works - [email protected].  

(3) You can also report by calling (404) 669-3778.

Illicit discharge into streams, drains and sewers can negatively affect the ecology of our great city.

Take a look:

Employees of College Park Public Works Department, Darrin Stokes, and Dernandez Rainey share the proper procedures they utilize to collect unwanted tree branches and other yard debris from your home.

Additional Links:
Sanitation, Water & Sewer "New Rate" Schedule

Clean Water Campaign

2233 Harvard Avenue
College Park, Georgia 30337

Phone: (404) 669-3778
Fax: (404) 767-1815

Monday - Friday
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM