The Water and Sewer Division strives to supply safe drinking water throughout the city and protect the environment through an effective operation and maintenance program. Our goal is to improve and maintain the water/ sewer infrastructure and respond to our customers' needs with an empowered workforce using state of the art technology, equipment, and business processes.
•Provides the operating and maintenance of the City's water distribution and wastewater collection systems
•Provides water meters, fire hydrants and water and sewer taps
•Operates City wells, pumping stations, and sanitary sewer lift station
To report a problem contact the Water and Sewer Division office Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm at (404) 669-3757.
To report a problem after office hours, and on weekends and holidays, contact the Public Works Department office at (404) 669-3778 or (404) 863-7348 for Public Works emergency dispatch.
Sanitation, Water & Sewer "New Rate" Schedule
Water Sewer Tap Fees.pdf